Wednesday, 21 September 2011

Amusing Coincidence

Whilst searching for my birth certificate yesterday I stumbled upon some school report cards from when I was only 8 and 9 years old.

I was amazed to read the teachers findings about me at that age.

. . . Seemingly I enjoyed needlework!

I could not remember this being particularly so but now it all makes sense.

I have been pursuing my passion for bears for a few years and I desperately wanted to make them, not a conscious decision to do sewing in itself, but to produce bears.

Needlework is obviously something that has been lying dormant within me for a lot of years but I was completely amused that coincidentally nowadays I do hand sew almost every day.

Strangely enough I was also noted for a lack of imagination in art? I blame the teacher considering . . . I have worked in an Art / Design background since leaving school and I’m sure anyone who knows me would not consider me to lack imagination at any point in my life! In fact I have a very vivid imagination :0)


Unknown said...

Dear Elaine,
Not so amazing! Many of the things we first fall in love with when we are children come back to us later or, never leave.
I find it strange that a teacher who applaudes you for needlework, then goes on to say you lack imagination in Art. You are right. It is more about the teacher than the student.

edenbears said...

Thanks for your comment Nellie. I was completely unaware that I liked needlework at that age but you are right, these things are naturally within us ready to come to fruition when the time is right.
I think the teacher must have been having an 'off' day! :0))

Unknown said...

Dear Elaine
Thaks for coming to my very first Birthday Pawty!
I hope you had a great time. I know I did!

Jacqui said...

LOL! That art teacher didn't like you did she!! Love how your "meticulous" ness has been spotted too!HeeHee!