Wednesday, 4 January 2012

New Year, New Bear!

I'm so sorry I didn't photograph this large Wendy Boston style bear before I worked on him, it's a first for me but I really didn't expect the camera would see much difference.

However, now he's all washed and cared for there really is a big difference in him, not just for the camera but in the fur too.

I have cleaned him, re-stuffed him and tended to a torn muzzle. His owner will be meeting him tomorrow and I hope she is as surprised as I am with his new found lease of life!

Happy New Birthday Ginger Bear! :0)


Unknown said...

Dearest Elaine,
Oh! He looks so wonderful! You has worked your magic once again. Me thinks his owner will be excited.

edenbears said...

Thank you for your kind words Nellie :0)