Tuesday, 26 February 2013

Back to Life!

This old boy couldn't see where he was going, nor could he ask for help as his growler was broken.
Once I met him he didn't have to worry any more. 
I quickly got to work on him, renewed his pads and gave him a relaxing and uplifting clean. His fur shone like it did the day he was born.  Then I gave him his lovely new amber glass eyes and a welcome growl with which Ted confirmed he was so happy to see the world around him once again! 
Things have changed a little since he last looked around but one thing he was delighted with was his own reflection in the mirror!  "What a handsome young bear I am" he said, and I couldn't have agreed more :0)


Unknown said...

Dearest Elaine,
Oh! Oh! Oh! He is just the most beautiful young bear!
Once again Yous worked magic!
Thanks for coming and visiting and leaving good thought with us. we is still sad, but we know Caesar will has a wonderful time with Licorice while he waits of us!