Friday, 8 February 2013

Big Op for Big Ted!

Big Ted as he's fondly known was in need of more work than first meets the eye.  His kapok body stuffing and his wood wool head stuffing had completely broken down to dust, not very pleasant at all and the best option was to renew it all.
As well as his obvious damaged pads he had some fragile, torn and worn areas on his face, ears, paws and feet in need of patching and his joints were also in need of attention. 
His head had come off in the past and simply been sewn back on.  With his new head joint he can now freely turn his head and see what's going on around him.
All in all Big Ted has had quite a lengthy operation but at the end of the procedure he's a much improved old soul with many more years having been added to his lifespan.  His fur especially has come up beautifully, so soft and silky, a sure sign of a quality bear with some of the best mohair used in his original construction.
Happy 'New' Birthday Big Ted! :0)